How to change the cursor to custom icon

June 4th, 2022

Recently, I was working on an interesting project where I neded to change the cursor icon to some custom image. I had no idea that you can use custom images and icons for a cursor other than pre-built available cursors in browser. So, let's dive deep into the different ways you can customise your cursor icon with some interactive demos.

Note that examples in this page will not work for touch devices.

Change cursor to pre-built cursor icons

Browsers already have a lot of pre-built icons for cursor. You might have seen or used cursor: pointer; a lot, which makes elements to behave like buttons or links. But there are more than 20 pre-built cursors you can use, to better signal the state of the UI. Here are some examples, where I used different pre-built cursor icons:

.wait {
  cursor: wait;

.zoom-in {
  cursor: zoom-in;

.not-allowed {
  cursor: not-allowed;

Refer to this example by Chris Nager for ALL examples of built-in cursor icons.

Change cursor using url and SVG

You might want to use custom cursor image in cases where you need to have custom cursor icons for tools in your canvas. cursor CSS property allows you to put url with an image reference. For cursor it might be a good idea to go for Scaled Vector Graphics so that your cursor will look sharp and not blurry. Just give the SVG name and optional coordinates for a cursor CSS property wrapped in url helper:

.box {
  cursor: url(brush.svg), auto;
Hover over the text below

Note that if your image/icon is too big it won't work because of image size limits enforced by browsers. General recommendation is to use 32x32 pixels images.

Optional coordinates for custom image cursors

One thing to be aware when using custom images, is that you might need to adjust the tip of the cursor, since it might not be at its default position(top-left corner). To fix that in our previous demo, you just need to add optional coordinates to the used image. For our brush icon it would be something like this cursor: url(brush.svg) 2 22, auto;. Take a look at the updated examples below, where I added a hint to show the tip of the cursor:

Without coordinates
With adjusted coordinates

That's it about the topic. There is not really much to talk about when it comes to styling cursor with CSS. But I hope this one comes handy when you need to deal with it. If you liked the post and/or have any questions feel free to ask in twitter tagging my nickname @aibolik_.

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