Where from to get Traffic

March 8th, 2016

Hi, there!

About a month ago, one man came to our University and started handling one course called “Moneymaking”(thanks to our Head of Information Systems Department - Mr. Meirambek Zhaparov).

This man really knows how to make money, and he is teaching us about it. Thanks to this course I launched my courses on Android development. If someone is interested, visit my instagram page.

We call ourselves “Moneymakers”, and it is really breathtaking. Throughout this course I understood many things, and also it changed my mind, my views to some things.

In this post, I will be doing my homework on this course. The homework was to find 20 channels, from where we can get traffic(he said their actual number is more than 200).

Phone image with the instagram app

So, here is the list:

  1. VK
  2. YouTube
  3. Instagram
  4. Blog
  5. Periscope
  6. Twitter
  7. Mail.ru
  8. Email subscription
  9. yvision.kz
  10. Some other platforms(as olx, slando, satu)
  11. Google+
  12. Odnoklassniki
  13. Offline
  14. Forums
  15. Reddit
  16. TV channels
  17. LinkedIn
  18. QA sites(Quora)
  19. RSS Feed subscription
  20. Different meetups

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